
Տեմպուս Ծրագրերը Հայաստանում

ՏԵՄՊՈՒՍ-ը Եվրոպական միության ծրագիրն էր, որն աջակցում էր բարձրագույն կրթության արդիականացմանը ԵՄ շրջակա տարածքում: Այն նպաստեց ինստիտուցիոնալ համագործակցությանը, որը ներառում էր Եվրոպական միությունը և գործընկեր երկրները և կենտրոնացած էր գործընկեր երկրներում բարձրագույն կրթության համակարգերի բարեփոխման և արդիականացման վրա: ՏԵՄՊՈՒՍ-ը նաև նպատակ ուներ խթանել բարձրագույն կրթության համակարգերի կամավոր սերտաճումը գործընկեր երկրներում ԵՄ զարգացումներին բարձրագույն կրթության ոլորտում: Այն ընդունվել է Եվրամիության Նախարարների խորհրդի կողմից 1990 թվականին և այն երկարացվել է չորս անգամ։
Ստորև կարող եք գտնել ՏԵՄՊՈՒՍ նախագծերի տվյալների բազան, որոնք իրականացվում են Հայաստանի բարձրագույն ուսումնական հաստատությունների և այլ գործընկեր հաստատությունների մասնակցությամբ։

Industrial Cooperation and Creative Engineering Education based on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (iCo-op)

Project number 530278-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES
Duration 36 months (2012 – 2015)
Type Joint Projects Higher Education and Society
Grant 968,553.83 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Dr.-Ing. Karsten Henke, Ilmenau University of Technology – Germany
Phone: +49 3677691443; Fax: +49 3677694823;
Email: karsten.henke@tu-ilmenau.de; Website: http://www.tu-ilmenau.de/ics
Local Partners American University of Armenia Foundation: Mr. Sargis Zeytunyan – sacozey@aua.am
State Engineering University of Armenia: Mr. Ruben Aghgashyan – rubag@seua.am
Kapan Branch of State Engineering University of Armenia: Mr. Seyran Balasanyan – seua@syunik.am
National Instruments Armenian Corporation Armenia branch: Ms. Amalya Mkhitaryan – amalya.mkhitaryan@ni.com
Synopsys Armenia CJSC: Mr Vazgen Melikyan – vazgenm@synopsys.com
EU Partners Carinthia University of Applied Sciences – Austria
Quality Austria Training, Certification And Evaluation Ltd. – Austria
Transilvania University of Brasov – Romania
University of Deusto – Spain
Partner Countries Armenia
American University of Armenia Foundation (AUA)
State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA)
Kapan Branch of State Engineering University of Armenia (KbSEUA)
National Instruments Armenian Corporation Armenia branch
Synopsys Armenia CJSC
Ilia State University
Shota Rustaveli State University
LEPL Institute of Micro and Nanoelectronics
Transformer and Electric Equipment
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
lvano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Zaporizhzhya National Technical University
Ukrainian Association of IT professionals
Joint-Stock Company (JSC) “Kharkiv OnLine”
JSC Ukrainian Industrial Energy Company
Research and Production Company ZOND, Ltd.
Energoservice Company Ecological Systems Ltd.
Description iCo-op was initiated to equip engineering students in Armenia, Georgia, and Ukraine with the skills necessary for a successful career. The program will forge partnerships between universities and industry to modernize engineering education that provides direct access to top-notch facilities with remote and virtual instrumentation. The program will be based on EU best practices, partners’ industry expertise, and knowledge of business demand of target countries.
iCo-op aims to: – Establish methodology for identification and monitoring of demand for knowledge and skills in industry; – Deliver learning programs incorporating transversal and using remote laboratories/virtual instrumentation knowledge and competences; – Build mutually beneficial, sustainable partnerships between academia and enterprises by offering internship programs and up-to-date industry training programs. iCo-op starts with analysis of knowledge and skill gaps in engineering curricula, based on Armenian/Georgian/Ukrainian fields needs. 24 engineering modules, based on remote/virtual instrumentation, will be developed and enhanced with transversal competencies.
A pilot for university/enterprise participants with integrated internship program and trainings for instructors and module developers will be established in 8 universities and at least 9 enterprises of the 3 targeted countries. Roundtables, workshops, conferences will be carried out for wider dissemination of the methodology in these countries. Developed reports, recommendations, set of informational and instructional materials will be available online for free.
Use-and application of project products will commence during the project to evaluate strengths and sustainability of the methodology and to address potential problems. In all three countries, iCo-op will expand the methodology and resources for enhancing student competency required by modern industry. The results will effect educational and economic transformation of partner countries.Website: www.ico-op.eu

Master in Higher Education Management: Developing Leaders for Managing Educational Transformation (MAHATMA)

Project number 530311 -TEMPUS-1-2012-1-AM-TEMPUS-JPCR
Duration 36 months (2012 – 2015)
Type Joint Projects Curricular Reform
Grant 980,201.62 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Mr. Tigran Ayvazyan, Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU) – Armenia
Phone: +37410 59 70 05; Fax: +37410 59 70 08;
Email: t.ayvazyan@mail.ru; mahatma.mgmt@gmail.com; Website: www.aspu.am
Local Partners Armenian State University of Economics: Mr. Nerses Gevorgyan – nerses.gevorgyan@fulbrightmail.org
Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute: Ms. Margarita Shahverdyan – mshahverdyan@vspi.am
Goris State University: Ms. Diana Karapetyan – karapetyandiana@rambler.ru
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance: Ms. Susanna Karakhanyan – s.karakhanyan@anqa.am
Ministry of Education and Science: Mr. Sasounik Melikyan – sasoun.melikyan@gmail.com
EU Partners Universitat Koblenz-Landau, – Germany
Masarykova Univerzita – Czech Republic
Centro Studi ed Initiative Europeo – Italy
Bath Spa University – UK
Middlesex University – UK
Centre International d’Etudes Pedagogiques de Sevres – France
Partner Countries Armenia
Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE)
Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute named after H. Toumanyan (currently Vanadzor State University)
Goris State University
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance (ANQA)
Ministry of Education and Science
Ilia State University
International Black Sea University
Shota Rustaveli State University
Akaki Tsereteli State University
National Center for Education Quality Enhancement
Ministry of Education and Science in Georgia
Description MAHATMA (Master In Higher Education Management: Developing Leaders For Managing Educational Transformation) is a three-year multi-country joint project, under the EACEA NQ 2512011, 5th call and Curricular Reform action. MAHATMA’S wider objective is to promote transformation of higher education management in Armenia and Georgia through introduction of a new Master’s programme/professional development courses in higher education management.
The specific objectives evolve around:
– development of a Master’s programme/PDC in HE Management;
introduction of a learning outcome approach to teaching, learning and student assessment methods;
– enhancement of the institutional capacity to implement the new Master’s programme/PDCs (teaching and learning and management of the programme; as well as
– promotion of a change dialogue between the education stakeholders thorough establishment of a Professional Association of Educationalists leading to system transformation.
The principal outputs and outcomes of the project are enhancement of higher education management through training educational leaders able to handle the change complexities. The development and launch of the Master’s programme and respective professional development courses will encompass the integration of innovative teaching, learning and higher education management methods. Alignment with and implementation of the Bologna process will inform curriculum development and Quality Assurance standards and benchmarks will ensure the quality of both the process and the products. The Professional Association of Educationalists will promote the enhancement of the higher education systems of Armenia and Georgia through an active change dialogue, experience exchange and research in the field of higher education.Website: www.mahatma.am

Development of new modules for international bachelor and master programmes in sustainable tourism management (SuToMa)

Project number 530561-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR
Duration 36 months (2012 – 2015)
Type Joint Projects Curricular Reform
Grant 1.051,506.10 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Ms. Andrea Menn, Jade University of Applied Sciences – Germany
Phone: +49 4421 985 2386; Fax: + 49 4421 985 2405;
Email: menn@jade-hs.de; Website: www.jade-hs.de
Local Partners Armenian National Agrarian University: Ms. Valentina Grigoryan – valent_g2000@yahoo.com
Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute: Mr Levon Martirosyan – mlevon2003@yahoo.com
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University: Ms. Larisa Avetisyan – alarisa89@mail.ru
Yerevan State University: Mr. Seyran Suvaryan – sr.suvaryan@mail.ru
Yerevan State Linguistic University Brusov: Ms. Marine Hayrapetyan – tourism@brusov.am
Berlin Guesthouse ltd: Mr. Alexan Ter-Minasyan – terminasyan@berlinhotel-gyumri.am
Hyur Service: Mr Avetik Afrikyan – contact@hyurservice.com
Ministry of Economy: Mr. Ara Petrosyan – apetrosyan@mineconomy.am
EU Partners Worms University of Applied Sciences – Germany
CHE Consult GmbH – Germany
Rezeknes Augstskola – Latvia
Institute of Technology Tralee – Ireland
Partner Countries Armenia
Yerevan State University (YSU)
Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU)
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (RAU)
Yerevan State Linguistic University Brusov (YSLU: currently Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences)
Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute named after M. Nalbandyan (GSPI)
Ministry of Economy
Berlin Guesthouse ltd
Hyur Service
lakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University
Shota Rustaveli State University
Ilia State University
Agricultural University of Georgia
Transboundary Joint Secretariat for Nature Conservation
The Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus
Aragvi Adventure Centre Ltd.
Azerbaijan Tourism Institute
Mingachevir Tourism College
Nakhchivan State University
Azerbaijan State Agricultural University
Baku State University
Baku Tourism Information Centre
Nature Friends NGYO
Azerbaijan Tourism Association
“EkoSfera” Social-Ecology Centre
Millennium Tourism & Congress DMC LLC
Description This multi-country project is designed to modernise curricula in sustainable tourism management (STM) in selected HEI in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. Tourism is a regional priority for the Caucasus. The project focuses on the development of new study modules and teacher trainings in STM, a hitherto underdeveloped field in all three countries. The new modules cover innovative topics, such as the integration of theory and praxis, intercultural communication, E-learning and IT technologies, and will be implemented in existing as well as new BSc. and MSc. study programmes, and accredited with ECTS. The interdisciplinary approach to STM is reflected by involving HEI from different academic fields such as agriculture, tourism and business studies.
The Caucasus region is politically diverse but should be touristically jointly developed. Thus, the project is designed to foster regional networking and mutual understanding, and the cooperation between the EU and its partner countries. Training and the development of study modules in intercultural communication will support the establishment of enduring partnerships.
As project outcomes, a common understanding of sustainability and regional development will be achieved, modules on STM will be created according to the Bologna standards, and new methods and materials for teacher and tutor training will be introduced. The practical relevance of study programmes is enhanced by the formal integration of practical placements in the curricula, in close cooperation with tourism businesses and NG0s.
Regular monitoring of milestones guarantees the accomplishment of the aims. The implementation of an E-learning platform assures communication between the partners, as well as the dissemination of results. The sustainability of the project will be secured by strengthening the international academic cooperation on a permanent base, by developing comparable qualification standards in STM, and by the accreditation of the modules.Website: www.sutoma.eu

Promoting Educational Organisation through people (PEOPLE)

Project number 543657-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-KZ-TEMPUS-JPGR
Duration 36 months (2012 – 2015)
Type Joint Projects Governance Reform
Grant 745,275.33 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Mrs. Bayan Sapargaliyeva ,Turar Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University – Kazakhstan
Phone: 8(727)3771294; Email: bonya_sh@mail.ru; Website: www.kazeu.kz
Local Partners Armenian State University of Economics: Mr. Nerses Gevorgyan – nerses.gevorgyan@fulbrightmail.org
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University: Ms. Marina Khachatryan – marinakhachatryan@gmail.com
American University of Armenia Foundation: Ms. Arina Bekchyan – abekchya@aua.am
EU Partners Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya – Spain
Istituto Superior Tecnico – Portugal
Royal Institute of Technology – Spain
Partner Countries Armenia
Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE)
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (RAU)
American University of Armenia Foundation (AUA)
Ilia State University
Kutaisi University
Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications
S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University
Karanganda State Medical University
Description General objective:
To reinforce top and middle managers of higher education institutions competencies by developing a human resource management and staff development strategy focusing the challenges the economic transition process of the partner countries and globalization are impacting higher education institutions. Specific objectives:
– To carry out a HR processes and procedures audit in order to find out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats this domain is currently facing.
– To carry out training needs detection throughout a map of competencies on HR in Higher Education Institutions.
– To carry out a training for trainers (experts in the field of HR in the partner countries) which will further train the HR academic and staff people at each partner university.
– To carry out training seminars on HR most relevant processes (identified in the previous objective) in order to improve the competencies of top and middle managers (both academic and administrative or technical staff)
– To develop a strategic plan for the development of HR in each partner university taking into consideration their specific results of the audit analysis.
– To implement the strategic plan during the second and the third year of the project in order to follow up deviations and improve results.
– To create a specific resources center at each partner university with materials as well as an online platform with shared information on HR.
– To create a printed handbook of HR materials with the results of the training and the HR standardized processes.Website: www.peopleorg.eu

Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles (VERITAS)

Project number 543710-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AM-TEMPUS-SMGR
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Joint Projects Governance Reform
Grant 763,467.14 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Prof. Marine Balasanyan, Yerevan State Medical University named after M. Heratsi (YSMU) – Armenia
Phone: +37460621224; Email: marina.balasanyan@meduni.am; Website: www.ysmu.am
Local Partners Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts: Ms. Susanna Karakhanyan – s.karakhanyan@anqa.am
Yerevan State University: Mr. Gegham Gevorgyan – ggg@ysu.am
Yerevan State Linguistic University Brusov: Mr. Hakob Madoyan – head_philosophy@brusov.am
Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction: Mr. Varazdat Hovhannisyan – varazdat@list.ru
Armenian State University of Economics: Mr. Nerses Gevorgyan – nerses.gevorgyan@fulbrightmail.org
Gavar State University: Ms. Nelli Kutuzyan – nkutuzyan@gmail.com
Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute: Ms. Lilit Sarukhanyan – lsarukhanyan@yahoo.com
Yerevan Northern University: Ms. Nune Srapyan – nune_18@mail.ru
National Academy of Sciences: Ms. Arusyak Harutyunyan – arusyakharutunyan@yahoo.com
Public Administration Academy: Ms. Tereza Khechoyan – khechoyantereza@yahoo.com
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance: Mr. Ruben Topchyan – ruben.topchyan@anqa.am
Education Quality NGO: Mr. Hrayr Ohanyan – hrayrohanyan@gmail.com
Supreme Certifying Commission: Mr. Atom Mkhitaryan – mkhitaryan@yahoo.com
Ministry of Education and Science: Mr. Edgar Aleksanyan – alexanyanedg@rambler.ru
EU Partners World University Service (WUS) Austria – Austria
Royal Institute of Technology – Sweden
Universitat de Girona – Spain
Bath Spa University– UK
University of Heidelberg – Germany
Partner Countries Armenia
Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts (YSAFA)
Yerevan State University (YSU)
Yerevan State Linguistic University Brusov (YSLU: currently Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences)
Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction (YSUAC)
Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE)
Gavar State University
Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute named after H. Toumanyan (currently Vanadzor State University)
Yerevan Northern University
National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (NAS RA)
Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia (PAARA)
Ministry of Education and Science
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance (ANQA)
Education Quality NGO
Supreme Certifying Commission of the Republic of Armenia
Description VERITAS (Structural Development Of The Third Cycle Based On Salzburg Principles) is a three-year national project, under the priority of Governance Reform, EACEA N° 35/2012, 6th call and Structural Measures action. The wider objective of the project is to ameliorate doctoral education in Armenian Higher Education System through alignment with European Qualifications Framework and Salzburg Principles.
The specific objectives are:
-Strengthening human potential in research by building a critical mass of quality researchers through development, integration and efficient management of doctoral education in Armenian HE.
-Promoting international recognition of the III level study programmes of the ANQF through developing and adopting award criteria that are in line with Salzburg principles and comparable with international ones.
-Developing a system of quality evaluation and monitoring in scientific research by building and strengthening systems for continual tracking of relevant parameters.
-Stimulating and strengthening integration of science and research at universities through establishment/revision of university structures which will promote scientific research, network knowledge in education, research and innovation, enhance quality, effectiveness, flexibility, multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity of education.
The principle outcomes and outputs include:
-Development of university capacities for quality doctoral education: revision/establishment of new Research Units.
-Establishment of preconditions for quality PhD education and research.
-Formulation of PhD award criteria and quality standards in Doctoral Education.
-Development and launch of 11 new PhD programs in Armenia (11 pilot projects).
-Adoption of the PhD award criteria and quality standards.
The universities are from a single CIS country – Armenia. It will allow deeper understanding of the needs of developing systems and customization to specific country and institutions prioritiesWebsite: www.tempusveritas.am

Fostering Autonomy and Accountability: Development of State-of-the-art HE Management System for Efficient Changes in Line with Bologna Principles (GOVERN)

Project number 543711-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AM-TEMPUS-SMGR
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Joint Projects Governance Reform
Grant 809,685.35 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Mrs. Susanna Karakhanyan, Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts – Armenia
Phone: +37410560615; Fax: +37410542706; Email: vicerector@yafa.am; Website: www.yafa.am
Local Partners Yerevan State Linguistic University: Mr. Robert Khachatryan – robert_khachatryan@yahoo.com
Armenian State University of Economics: Mr. Nerses Gevorgyan – nerses.gevorgyan@fulbrightmail.org
Armenian National Agrarian University: Mr. Ara Amiryan – amiryan_ara@yahoo.com
Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute: Ms. Nina Jaghinyan – ninajaghinyan@mail.ru
Yerevan Northern University: Ms. Nune Srapyan – nune_18@mail.ru
Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction: Mr. Varazdat Hovhannisyan – varazdat@list.ru
Yerevan State Medical University: Mr. Konstantin Yenkoyan – enkoyan@yahoo.com
Gavar State University: Ms. Nelli Kutuzyan – nkutuzyan@gmail.com
Public Administration Academy: Ms. Tereza Khechoyan – khechoyantereza@yahoo.com
American University of Armenia: Ms. Sharistan Melkonian – smelkonian@aua.am
Ministry of Education and Science: Mr. Sasunik Melikyan – sasoun.melikyan@gmail.com
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance: Mr. Ruben Topchyan – ruben.topchyan@anqa.am
Armenian National Students Association: Mr. Sargis Asatryants – secretariat.ansa@gmail.com
Education Quality NGO: Mr. Hrayr Ohanyan – hrayrohanyan@gmail.com
Republican Union of Employers of Armenia: Mr. Gagik Makaryan – makaryan@employers.am
 EU Partners Leuven University College – Belgium
World University Service (WUS) Austria – Austria
Bath Spa University– UK
University of Koblenz-Landau – Germany
ASIIN Consult GmbH – Germany
European Centre of Studies and Initiatives – Italy
 Partner Countries Armenia
Yerevan State Linguistic University Brusov (YSLU: currently Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences)
Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE)
Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU)
Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute named after H. Toumanyan (currently Vanadzor State University)
Yerevan Northern University
Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction (YSUAC)
Yerevan State Medical University named after M.Heratsi (YSMU)
Gavar State University
Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia (PAARA)
American University of Armenia Foundation (AUA)
Ministry of Education and Science
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance (ANQA)
Armenian National Students Association (ANSA)
Education Quality NGO
Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA)
 Description GOVERN is a three-year national project, under the priority of Governance Reform, EACEA N° 35/2012, 6th call and Structural Measures action.
The wider objective is to enable application of the state-of-the-art management system at Armenian HEIs for promoting effective and efficient structural changes in line with Bologna agenda thus enhancing HEIs autonomy and accountability.
The specific objectives target enhancement of autonomy and accountability of Higher Education Institutions through:
– building on the capacity of administrative staff for managing system changes efficiently
– revising the legal (system level) and regulatory (HEI level) frameworks in line with Bologna action lines;
– establishing the state-of-the-art university management system through overhaul of approaches to system changes: strategic, financial and human resource management
– introducing working approaches to student-centered educational provisions: ECTS and academic programme management to assure quality and promote student mobility.
The principle outcomes/outputs include:
– Building on capacity of top and middle level administration to enable Bologna action lines implementation;
– New legal (system-wide) and regulatory (HEIs) frameworks in line with Bologna lines;
– State-of-the-art management system based on new approaches to strategic and structural management, budget allocation, human resource management;
– Indicators and criteria for academic programme and student mobility operationalization;
– New approaches to managing academic programmes and office of academic affairs and registrar (installation of student portal and student affairs information management system).
The HEIs are from a single CIS country – Armenia. It will allow deeper understanding of the needs of developing systems and customization to specific country and institutions priorities.Website: www.govern.am

Implementation of National and Sectorial Qualifications Frameworks in Armenia (ARMENQA)

Project number 543817-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-SE-TEMPUS-SMHES
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Structural Measures Higher Education and Society
Grant 1,026,249.75 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Prof. Janerik Lundquist, Linköping University – Sweden
Phone: +46 13281505; Fax: +46 13 288975; Email: jel@ipe.liu.se; Website: www.liu.se
Local Partners Yerevan State University: Mr. Armen Budaghyan – abudaghyan@ysu.am
Armenian State Pedagogical University: Ms. Kristina Tsaturyan – kristina.tsaturyan@gmail.com
Armenian National Agrarian University: Mr. Smbat Daveyan – inter@anau.am
Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute: Ms. Anahit Farmanyan – afarmanyan@yahoo.com
Yerevan State Linguistic University Brusov: Mr. Robert Khachatryan – robert_khachatryan@yahoo.com
Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction: Ms. Irina Vanyan – irinavanyan@gmail.com
Russian Armenian (Slavonic) University: Ms. Suzanna Shamakhyan – s.shamakhyan@rau.am
Gavar State University: Mr. Arsen Aproyan – aproyan@list.ru
Ministry of Education and Science: Ms. Syuzanna Ghazaryan – suzily@rambler.ru
National Information Center for Academic Recognition and Mobility:
Ms. Gayane Harutyunyan – gayaharu@gmail.com
National Center for Strategic Research in Higher Education:
Mr. Samvel Karabekyan – samvel.karabekyan@gmail.com
Republican Union of Employers of Armenia: Mr. Gagik Makaryan – makaryan.ruea@gmail.com
Yerevan “European Students’ Forum” Association: Mr. Armenak Minasyants – armenak.minasyants@aegee.org
EU Partners Ghent University – Belgium
Aarhus University – Denmark
National Qualifications Authority – Romania
Hochschule Osnabrück, University of Applied Sciences – Germany
 Partner Countries Armenia
Yerevan State University (YSU)
Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan (ASPU)
Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU)
Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute after M. Nalbandyan (GSPI)
Yerevan State Linguistic University Brusov (YSLU: currently Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences)
Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction (YSUAC)
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (RAU)
Gavar State University
Ministry of Education and Science
National Information Center for Academic Recognition
National Center for Strategic Research in Higher Education
Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA)
Yerevan “European Students’ Forum” Association
 Description ARMENQA – Implementation of National and Sectorial Qualifications Frameworks in Armenia is a three year national project under the 6th Call for Proposals EACEA 35/2012 and Higher Education and Society, Structural Measures action. ARMENQA’s wider objective is to enhance the employability of Armenian HEIs’ graduates and facilitate the recognition of Armenian qualifications in the labour market nationally and internationally.
The specific objectives of the Project are:
– Operationalization of the Armenian National Qualification Framework (ANQF) by creating and utilizing a set of methodological & legislative documents and tools.
– Capacity building of HEIs, MoES and ArmENIC relevant staff on formulating LO based qualification & programme descriptors in line with the ANQF.
– Development of the national model & methodological basis for establishment of Sectorial Qualifications Frameworks (SQFs) in Armenia and piloting the SQFs.
– Providing reference points, methodological basis & practical tools to Armenian HEIs for developing LO based multi-level study programmes coherent with
– ANQF, SQFs and relevant to the demands of the labour market.
The principal outcomes and outputs aim at the provision of sound ground for the coherency and relevance of the Armenian qualifications with the labor market and society demands, harmonization of the Armenian qualifications with those in EHEA, consistency of the national laws and regulations applying to education and training with ANQF goals.
The capacity building and dissemination activities will make a paradigm shift in the existing culture of qualifications framework and its understanding thus promoting a genuine and active support of HEIs and other stakeholders.Website: www.armenqa.am

A Network for Developing Lifelong Learning in Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine (LeAGUe)

Project number 543839-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-SE-TEMPUS-SMHES
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Structural Measures Higher Education and Society
Grant 1,213,548.91 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Mr. Ulf Rosén, Linnaeus University – Sweden
Phone: + 46 470 708699; Fax: + 46 470 84004; Email: ulf.rosen@lnu.se; Website: http://www.lnu.se/
Local Partners Armenia National Agrarian University: Ms. Valentina Grigoryan – valent_g2000@yahoo.com
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University: Ms. Suzanna Shamakhyan – international@rau.am
Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute: Ms. Sofya Babayan – sofyababayan@yandex.ru
Gavar State University: Ms. Ruzanna Hakobyan – rusakob@yahoo.com
Armenian Lifelong Learning League: Ms. Gayane Ghukasyan – secnd@web.am
Ministry of Education and Science: Ms. Aida Tigranyan – a_tigranyan@edu.am
EU Partners Technical University of Denmark – Denmark
University of Coimbra – Portugal
Angel Kanchev University of Ruse – Bulgaria
 Partner Countries Armenia
Armenia National Agrarian University (ANAU)
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (RAU)
Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute named after H. Toumanyan (currently Vanadzor State University)
Gavar State University
Armenian Lifelong Learning League
Ministry of Education and Science
Ilia State University
Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University
The University of Georgia
Adult Education Association of Georgia
Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics
National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Polytechnic Ins.
Odessa National Polytechnic University
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
 Description The wider objective is to tackle the unemployment and lack of innovation due to a gap between labor market needs and skills of labor force. Changing conditions in the labor market must be matched by a continued development of the competencies of the workforce and enhance the social inclusion of people into active work life. This could mean learning new and appropriate skills within a current work field, re-education into new profession, or providing transversal skills that enables easier career shifts.
Therefore activities within this project include work with university and national policies, focusing on organization and work with LLL approaches. LLL is meant to increase the development of individuals and to influence the economic development by providing continuous training to the labor force. The project will produce a plan for a implementation framework for LLL in these countries. For achieving this, our activities will focus on:
1. Proposition of a legal and administrative framework within which the educational institutions can act.
2. Providing a set of guidelines for the educational institutions to actually implement LLL.
3. Enhancing social inclusion, active citizenship, personal development, competitiveness and employability of Armenian, Georgian and Ukrainian citizens through quality LLL policies and programs.
Existing initiatives in the partner countries are often locally based in a single institution. Even when the government has initialized nationwide programs, the implementation still suffered from lack of experience, support, and resources at the implementing institutions. Through the planning meetings and questionnaires we have developed a clear picture of the needs within the PCs. Therefore, with this project we plan to directly focus on elevating these differences and difficulties for a cross-country LLL strategy.Website: www.tempusleague.eu

Modernization of Mathematics curricula for Engineering and Natural Sciences studies in South Caucasian Universities by introducing modern educational technologies (MathGeAr)

Project number 543868-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Joint Projects Curricular Reform
Grant 1,047,180.64 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Dr. Sergey Sosnovsky, Universität des Saarlandes – Germany
Stuhlsatzenhausweg, 3, Saarbrücken 66123, DE
Phone: +49 681 85775 5367; Fax: +49 681 85775 1053; Email: sergey.sosnovsky@celtech.de
Local Partners State Engineering University of Armenia: Mr. Ishkhan Hovhannisyan – ishkhanh@gmail.com
Armenian State Pedagogical University: Mr. Hamlet Harutyunyan – hamhar@lycos.com
Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems: Mr. Hrachya Astsatryan – hrach@sci.am
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance: Mr. Ruben Topchyan – ruben.topchyan@anqa.am
EU Partners Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – France
Tampere University of Technology – Finland
Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz – Germany
 Partner Countries Armenia
State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA)
Armenian State Pedagogical University named after Kh. Abovyan (ASPU)
Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance (ANQA)
Georgian Technical University
University of Georgia
Akaki Tsereteli State University
Shota Rustaveli State University
National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement
Georgian Research and Educational Networking Association
 Description Mathematics constitutes a main scientific fundamental of all Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) curricula and, if so, the quality of Math education is one of the important elements of technological modernization and economic reforms. Another conceptual pillar of the proposed project is that despite a well-known conservatism of math education, the application of new educational technologies can radically improve the quality of learning outcomes, stimulate students’ motivation and creativity, thus improving the quality of STEM education as a whole.
Therefore, the overall objective of the project is to improve the quality of STEM education in South Caucasian region by modernizing and improving the curricula in the field of Mathematics. The process of modernization will start from the fundamental revision of the way math studies are organized in all Georgian and Armenian universities offering degrees in STEM. After ensuring the consistency of the math curricula with the Bologna principles and best European standards, the further steps will be taken to modernize the content and teaching methods by introducing principles of blended learning and new educational technologies. The major project outcomes will comprise the following:
– Comparative Case Studies bringing together best European and national practices in teaching Math within STEM curricula.
– Modernized Math component of 12 selected STEM curricula. The modernization will converge the teaching plans and practices in Georgia and Armenia with the European standards, thus ensuring transferability of learning results and introducing best European educational technologies for mathematics.
– Localized Math-Bridge – the world’s largest online platform for mathematics enabling various pedagogical strategies and learning scenarios, including remedial courses and preparation for study periods abroad.
New capacity of Universities to develop and deliver modern math courses.Website: www.mathgear.eu

Project Actors Capacity Training in Caucasus (PACT)

Project number 544047-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-GE-TEMPUS-JPGR
Duration 24 months (2013 – 2015)
Type Joint Projects Governance Reform
Grant 516,206.52 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Prof. Sergo Tabagari, David Tvildiani Medical University – Georgia
Phone: +995 32 251 68 98; Fax: +995 32 252 71 96; Email: dean@aieti.edu.ge; Website: www.dtmu.edu.ge
Local Partners Yerevan State University: Mr. Alexander Markarov – amarkarov@ysu.am
Gavar State University: Mr. Arsen Aproyan – aproyan@list.ru
EU Partners Fachhochschule Burgenland Ges.m.n.H. – Austria
“die Berater” Unternehemensberatung GmbH – Austria
Społeczna Akademia Nauk – Poland
University College Capital – Denmark
European University Continuing Education Network – Spain
 Partner Countries Armenia
Yerevan State University
Gavar State University
Ilia State University
University of Georgia
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Gori State Teaching University
Baku State University
Khazar University
 Description Research and development in public and private universities remained static in the Caucasus Region (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia) in the last years. Only between 0.2% and 1% of GDP in these countries flows into research and development. In Armenia for example the state does not fund universities doing research. Thus they have to finance their research and development work with external funds. Research capacities of universities in Armenia are generally low since the main focus has been teaching.
Since almost 90% of Georgian universities offer Master’s and PhD programmes, the integration of education and research is a huge topic in Georgia. There 64% of students are enrolled in the five main universities in Tbilisi. Nevertheless in Georgia research is underfunded: Only 0.18% of GDP was spent on research in 2008 and not more than 0.2% in 2009, without significant increase in following years. The majority of doctoral students self-finance their studies.
In European universities more and more work is dedicated to offering Master programmes, trainings and workshops in postgraduate departments in order to apply for international project funding. Also the EC has put enormous efforts into developing tools to support project developers and applicants in the process of developing and managing projects with an international or European scope. These tools have never been transferred to the Caucasus Region, although they offer the possibility of increasing research capacity in these countries.
The main aim of the project is to successfully transfer existing knowledge funded by the EC for project developers to the Caucasus Region and contribute to capacity building in Caucasus universities. The PACT project will collect support tools for project developers (WP 2), train project partners, young researchers, PhD students and young lecturers from AM, AZ and GE in project development (WP 3, 4, 5) and establish a Caucasus Interactive Resource Platform with adapted support tools (WP7).Website: www.tempuspact.eu

Achieving and Checking the Alignment between Academic Programmes and Qualification Frameworks (ALIGN)

Project number 543901-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AM-TEMPUS-JPGR
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Joint Projects Governance Reform
Grant 1,139,438.79 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Ms. Luisa Militosyan, Yerevan State Linguistic University Brusov (YSLU) – Armenia
Phone: +37410 534916 (2-04); Fax: +37410 585554; Email: luiza_militosyan@mail.ru; Website: www.brusov.am
Local Partners Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts: Ms. Susanna Karakhanyan – vicerector@yafa.am
Yerevan State Medical University: Ms. Karine Baroyan – baroyankarine@mail.ru
Ministry of Education and Science: Ms. Tatevik Gharibyan – tatevikgharibyan@gmail.com
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance: Mr. Ruben Topchyan – ruben.topchyan@anqa.am
Armenian National Students’ Association: Mr. Sargis Asatryants – secretariat.ansa@gmail.com
Republican Union of Employers of Armenia: Mr. Gagik Makaryan – makaryan@employers.am
EU Partners Central and Eastern European Network of quality assurance Agencies – Germany
Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven – Belgium
Adam Mickiewicz University – Poland
University of Koblenz-Landau – Germany
Institute of Art, Design and Technology – Ireland
Bath Spa University – UK
 Partner Countries Armenia
Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts (YSAFA)
Yerevan State Medical University named after M.Heratsi (YSMU)
Ministry of Education and Science
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance (ANQA)
Armenian National Students’ Association (ANSA)
Republican Union of Employers of Armenia (RUEA)
Moscow State Humanitarian University
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonos
Volga State University of Technology
The National Centre of Public Professional Accreditation
Russian Students Union – for students and postgraduate student rights
Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (regional)
Ministry of Education and Science in Russia
T. Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Khmelnytsky National University
Sumy State University
Ukrainian Association of Students’ Self-government
Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Khmelnytsky region
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
 Description ALIGN (Achieving and checking the alignment between academic programmes and qualification frameworks) is a three-year multi-country project within the scope of EACEA N° 35/2012, 6th Call National Priorities for Joint Projects in Governance Reform.
The wider objective of the project is to enhance the intelligibility, consistency and transferability of qualifications through establishment of mechanisms for higher education institutions to achieve alignment of academic programmes with national qualification frameworks and for quality assurance agencies to check such alignment.
The specific objectives target:
– Promoting a better understanding of higher education institutions and EQAs of the role of national qualification frameworks and SQFs, their structure as well as the differences between the different kinds and levels of student achievement;
– Building on the capacity of higher education institutions to write and assess learning outcomes that define the various types of student achievement and promote student centered teaching and learning;
– Building on the capacity of the higher education institutions to use the QF alignment to facilitate student transfer, joint qualifications and benchmarking;
– Enabling the EQAs to check whether proposed learning outcomes and their assessment mechanisms match the QF descriptors at each level by establishing mechanisms for ensuring consistency of judgments across institutions.
The principle outcomes and outputs include:
– Capacity building of higher education institutions and EQA agencies to ensure achievement and checking alignment with NQFs;
– Development of mechanisms ensuring achievement of alignment with national qualifications frameworks (for higher education institutions);
– Development of mechanisms for checking alignment (for EQA);
– Revision of 2 study programmes at each higher education institution and pilot evaluation of the developed mechanisms;
– Adoption of the alignment tools at higher education institutions, QAA agency and governmental levels.
The universities are from Eastern Neighboring Area– Armenia, Russia and Ukraine. It will allow deeper understanding of the needs of developing systems and customization to specific institutions.Website: www.align.brusov.am

Biomedical Engineering Education Tempus Initiative in Eastern Neighbouring Area (BME-ENA)

Project number 543904-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-GR-TEMPUS-JPCR
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Joint Projects Curricular Reform
Grant 1,320,891.82 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Prof. Nicolas Pallikarakis, University of Patras – Greece
Phone: +30-2610-997781; Fax: +30-2610-992496; Email: nipa@upatras.gr; Website: www.upatras.gr
Local Partners State Engineering University of Armenia: Ms. Viktorya Begoyan – vika.begoyan@gmail.com
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University: Mr. Hrachik Vardapetyan – hvardapetyan@mail.ru
Armenian Association of Telemedicine: Mr. Georgi Chaltikyan – gchaltikyan@armtelemed.org
EU Partners Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Belgium
University of Ljubljana – Slovenia
Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna – Italy
West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin – Poland
Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi – Romania
Technical University of Varna – Bulgaria
 Partner Countries Armenia
State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA)
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (RAU)
Armenian Association of Telemedicine (AATM)
Georgian Technical University
Tbilisi State Medical University
Akaki Tsereteli State University
Technical University of Moldova
State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Nicolae Testemitanu
Sumy State University
National Technical University of Ukraine
 Description Biomedical Engineering (BME) is one of the fastest growing fields with an impressive multidisciplinary dimension and direct consequences not only for the health care sector but for the society in general, since it is the basis of the impressive advancement and progress of health care delivery. Nowadays, Biomedical Engineers must be prepared to meet existing and forecasted needs by means of knowledge, skills and attitudes that address the demands of the work environment in the broader health care related sector all over the world. This involves academia, medical industry, hospital facilities, and administration, and imposes new challenges for advanced education in the field.
The objective of the BME-ENA project is to promote BME Education in the Eastern Neighbouring Area, through the creation of joint multidisciplinary MSc programs in the field, with major positive effects in both the health technology industrial sector and the health delivery system through the appropriate management and safe use of medical devices.
The BME-ENA project will enable Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to face the challenges of biomedical technology through capacity and institutional building measures. BME education at university level in these countries is underdeveloped.
Laboratory and computer equipment are in many cases inadequate in quantity and quality, resulting in rather ‘theoretical’ courses. At the same time, there is an increasing demand for BME specialists, since advanced technologies are implemented in the healthcare sector. The project will focus on the creation of 4 BME MSc educational programs, which will be designed and implemented according to the most recent development in the field and following the recommendations of a previous very successful TEMPUS IV CRH-BME Project.
The ultimate goal of the BME-ENA proposed project is to prepare a new generation of Biomedical Engineers, able to understand, develop, manage and use advanced medical technology.Website: www.bme-ena.net

Reform of Education THru International Knowledge exchange (RETHINK)

Project number 544178-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-PT-TEMPUS-JPCR 
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Joint Projects Curricular Reform
Grant 1,388,652.98 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Prof. Oksana Turchanina, Lisbon Technical University – Portugal
Phone: +351931980857; Fax: +351 213 625 138; Email: oksana.turchanina@gmail.com; Website: http://www.fa.utl.pt
Local Partners State Engineering University of Armenia: Mr. Artashes Tadevosyan – arttadevosyan@rambler.ru
Gavar State University: Mr. Arsen Aproyan – aproyan@list.ru
EU Partners Polytechnic Institute of Leiria – Portugal
Business Association of Entrepreneurs of Santarem – NERSANT – Portugal
Universidade da Coruña – Spain
Technische Universiteit Delft – Netherlands
University of Paderborn – Germany
Kauffman Unternehmensberatung – Germany
 Partner Countries Armenia
State Engineering University of Armenia
Gavar State University
Georgian Technical University
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction
Baku State University
Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan
Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Donetsk National Technical University
Ministry Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine
Alecu Russo Balti State University
Technical University of Moldova
Brest State Technical University
Polotsk State University
Ministry of Education of Belarus
 Description RETHINK is an idea for new Curricula, a plan for connecting HEIs to the world of business/industry, and a wish for a better ENVIRONMENT.
The project intends to establish connections, strengthen educational/cultural/business bridges and to construct a common language on the sphere of Higher Education and Society- under the theme of ENVIRONMENT (a priority).
The RETHINK project intends to develop and offer its students 2 Joint Degrees: 1-Architecture/Urban Planning and 2- Climate Engineering/Environmental Sciences (Masters & PhD degrees).
The 2 Degrees will encompass a “CO2THINK” component and an “Innovation/Entrepreneurship” component within a trans disciplinary framework. By refocusing the role of planning regarding CO2 emissions and CO2 management, RETHINK’s new Curricula aims at contributing to global warming mitigation and to the reduction of Green House Gases.
Education has its role in promoting social behaviours that will promote sustainability, thus the project intends to RETHINK educational Curricula and to take a proactive attitude towards teaching future generations the ability to manage the apparent conflicting interests between environmental sustainability and business.
RETHINK is divided in 8 work packages:
WP1– Aims at SWOT analysis of PC and EU HEIs’ existing Curricula, programming further activities.
WP2– Will RETHINK Curricula for Architecture/Urban Planning Degree.
WP3– Will RETHINK Curricula for Environmental Sciences/Climate Engineering Degree.
WP4– Upgrade cluster – aims at upgrading PC HEIs English language skills, modernize their technical base/teaching materials/training methods.
WP5– Quality Statute will set the quality plan and check the project’s quality performance.
WP6– Expand RETHINK aims at setting the dissemination strategy.
WP7– Exploitation & Sustainability aims at developing new projects and extending RETHINK’s life-span.
WP8– Administration & Management will develop the strategy for the successful project implementation.Website: www.rethink.fa.ulisboa.pt

Development of Embedded System Courses with implementation of Innovative Virtual approaches for integration of Research, Education and Production in UA, GE, AM

Project number 544091-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-BE-TEMPUS-JPCR
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Joint Projects Curricular Reform
Grant 1,040,736.84€
Applicant (Coordinator) Ing. Dirk Van Merode, Thomas More University College – Belgium
Phone: +32/15/31.69.44; Email: dirk.vanmerode@thomasmore.be; Website: www.thomasmore.be
Local Partners State Engineering University of Armenia: Ms. Amalya Mkhitaryan – m_amalya@seua.am
Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction: Ms. Gohar Avetisyan – avetissian_goga@yahoo.com
Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute: Mr. Mher Markosyan – mark@yetri.am
EU Partners Ilmenau University of Technology – Germany
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra – Slovakia
 Partner Countries Armenia
State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA)
Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction (YSUAC)
Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute CJSC
Georgian Technical University
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Zaporizhzhya National Technical University
Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University
Donbass State Engineering Academy
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
 Description The aim of the DESIRE project is to change the theoretical type of learning in Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia to a practice-oriented competence-based approach. Competences will be checked with different stakeholders. This will speed up collaboration between HEIs and business in target countries and ensure the availability of a high-skilled workforce in the domain of embedded systems. Through the project cooperation between EU and third countries in education and research is established.
Specifically practice-oriented curricula and modules in Embedded Systems Design are created, the theory will be supported by remote laboratories and dedicated hardware platforms in Embedded System Design in UA, GE, AM, this to form the competencies necessary for the Labor Market in Embedded Systems.
To come to the expected objectives of the project, first current situation of curricula on ECTS and expected competences are investigated and reported, then curricula are adapted and new course material developed. The outcome of next phase is the establishment of a LMS system, a remote and a embedded systems design laboratory. Retraining courses are organized in BE, GE and SK. Master classes on the new course material are organized in situ and teach the teachers sessions for swift implementation of the material. Next is teaching in the target HEIs of a pilot group, after which an evaluation report is made. All is done according to a fixed quality assurance plan, assessments on different levels and close contact with other projects. The goal is to service local enterprises with high-skilled people, so dissemination activities are done towards this group via the university-enterprise contact group (UEGC), and also in media, via the web resources and seminars. Management of the heterogeneous project objectives and diverse partners is done via an agreed work plan, with sufficient lines of communication and the erection of different working bodies.Website: www.tempus-desire.thomasmore.be

Strengthening the Specific Role of Universities as LLL Institutions (SSRULLI)

Project number 544251-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-GE-TEMPUS-JPHES
Duration 24 months (2013 – 2015)
Type Joint Projects Higher Education and Society
Grant 538,595.67 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Ms Ketevan Tsintsadze, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University – Georgia
Phone: 00995 32 222 36 52; Fax: 00995 32 2 22 24 73; Email: keti.tsintsadze@tsu.ge; Website: www.tsu.edu.ge
Local Partners Yerevan State Linguistic University Brusov: Mr. Samvel Karabekyan – samvel.karabekyan@gmail.com
Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute: Ms. Anoush Gevorgyan – anrulega@mail.ru
Armenian Branch Office of the German Adult Education Association:
Ms. Lusine Kharatyan – kharatyan@dvv-international.am
EU Partners Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (University of Graz) – Austria
Universität Hamburg – Germany
Tallinn University – Estonia
 Partner Countries Armenia
Yerevan State Linguistic University Brusov (YSLU: currently Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences)
Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute named after H. Toumanyan (currently Vanadzor State University)
Armenian Branch Office of the German Adult Education Association
Apollon Kutateladze Tbilisi State Academy of Arts
Caucasus International University
Batumi State Maritime Academy
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
Adult Education Association of Georgia
Institute for Int Cooperation of the German Adult Educ. Assoc.
Khazar University
Qafqaz University
Adult Education Association of Azerbaijan
 Description SSRULLI project aims at strengthening capacities for University Lifelong Learning in Countries of South Caucasus. Specifically the project aims at benchmarking of potentials and development of Institutional recommendations for boosting the role of PUs as LLL institutions. The action further foresees strengthening of strategic, infrastructural and human capacities in 9 partner universities as a model for the development and implementation of management of ULLL. At the core of the project also lies the development of regional network as a platform for regular dialogue and exchange information on ULLL challenges and opportunities in region.
One of the main results of the project will be also at least one ULLL course developed in each university. The courses will be piloted during the project progress to ensure effectiveness of working of established or upgraded ULLL offices.
The specific objectives will be realized through carefully planned actions at institutional, regional and international level including comprehensive strategic and managerial trainings and infrastructural measures at each institution. The consortium involves 16 member institutions including 3 European Union partners.
At the end of the project a manual for organizing of ULLL in region will be developed and published.Website: http://ssrulli.tsu.ge/

Enhancing Students Participation in Quality Assurance in Armenian HE (ESPAQ)

Project number 544261-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-BE-TEMPUS-SMGR
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Structural Measures Governance Reform
Grant 898,102.46 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Ms. Sara Zuzolo, University of Macerata – Italy
Phone: +39 0733 258 5831 ; Email: sara.zuzolo@unimc.it ; Website: http://sfbct.unimc.it/it
Local Partners Armenian State University of Economics: Mr. Nerses Gevorgyan – nerses.gevorgyan@fulbrightmail.org
Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts: Mr. Mkrtich Ayvazyan – m.ayvazyan@yafa.am
State Engineering University of Armenia: Mr. Gor Vardanyan – gor.vardanyan@seua.am
Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction: Mr. Levon Tokmajyan – ltokmajyan@ysuac.am
Armenian State Pedagogical University: Ms. Kristina Tsaturyan – kristina.tsaturyan@gmail.com
Armenian National Students’ Association: Mr. Sargis Asatryants – secretariat.ansa@gmail.com
Ministry of Education and Science: Mr. Robert Sukiasyan – r_sukiasyan@edu.am
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance: Mr. Ruben Topchyan – ruben.topchyan@anqa.am
EU Partners The National Union of Students in Europe – Belgium
Pedagogical University Innsbruck/Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol – Austria
Spiru Haret University/Universitatea Spiru Haret – Romania
National Union of Students Scotland – NUS Scotland – UK
 Partner Countries Armenia
Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE)
Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts (YSAFA)
State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA)
Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction (YSUAC)
Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan (ASPU)
Armenian National Students’ Association (ANSA)
Ministry of Education and Science
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance (ANQA)
 Description The ESPAQ project tackles one of the core challenges of Armenian higher education related to the quality of its provision and outcomes, through engaging the students into processes of quality assurance (QA) and enhancement of their learning experience.
With the help of project consortium, we will explore the motivation and barriers for Armenian students to partake in QA on various levels. Project aims to improve the conditions for engagement through raising awareness on the importance of students’ say within the academic community providing capacity building support and by suggesting relevant changes in the legislation/HEI (Higher Education Institution) regulation.
With the training, the students exchange and handbook on students participation in QA, ESPAQ will help to build student representatives capacity to engage with QA processes on various levels, including governance of QA authority, participating in external QA reviews, campaigning to encourage general students’ population to have their say on designing and delivering curricula, quality of services etc. In addition, ESPAQ will contribute to strengthening students’ participation in QA in the Neighbouring region as a whole, since the cultural barriers are quite similar and positive breakthrough in one country can show an example to the rest.
The project will build on the experience of ESU in empowering students and student representatives in the new democracy countries, helping them to establish as an independent partner towards the governmental institutions. Expertise from Sparqs will help to develop a fit-for-purpose training scheme for students’ experts. Involvement of HEIs from the European Union (EU) countries as well as the number of home institutions will send a clear signal to the academic community about the benefits of students’ engagement in quality processes. Partnership with the QA authority and the Ministry of Education and Science will ensure that outcomes of the project will be accessible to the decision-makers and will influence their agenda.Website: http://espaq.eu/en/

The development of a curriculum and establishment of a regional training platform for haematology in life sciences and medicine (DECERPH)

Project number 544282-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-UK-TEMPUS-JPCR
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Joint Projects Curricular Reform
Grant 899,336.57 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Mr. Michael Gordge, University of Westminster – UK
Phone: +44 207911 5000; Fax: +44 207911 5087; Email: gordgem@westminster.ac.uk; Website: www.westminster.ac.uk
Local Partners Yerevan State University: Ms. Susanna Sahakyan – sus_sah@yahoo.com
Yerevan State Medical University: Ms. Astghik Markosyan – astghik.markosyan@meduni.am
Hematology Center after Prof. R.H. Yeolyan: Mr. Smbat Daghbashyan – armhaem@gmail.com
EU Partners University of Ferrara – Italy
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” – Italy
University of Murcia – Spain
 Partner Countries Armenia
Yerevan State University (YSU)
Yerevan State Medical University after M. Haratsi (YSMU)
Hematology Center after Prof. R.H. Yeolyan
Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University
Petre Shotadze Tbilisi Medical Academy
Baku State University
Nariman Narimanov Azerbaijan Medical University
 Description Haematology is a discipline that brings together medical and fundamental sciences, laboratory and clinical practice leading ultimately to improved health care. There is a keen interest in the Southern Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan) to advance haematology teaching for both life sciences and medical degrees to meet European standards. The project is designed to help develop new/updated haematology courses in the SC Universities (SCUs).
The European Union (EU) Universities have a wide experience in educating both science (UOW) and medical students (UNIFE, UNITOV, UMU) in haematology. The clinical haematologists also have expertise in specialist areas of haematology. The partner SCUs represent leading teaching establishments in the region offering both medical and life science degrees. The core members of the consortium have been partners in previous successful Tempus projects. The consortium has been chosen to ensure high quality deliverables.
Following analysis of current local science and medical courses, joint teaching committees comprising staff members, students and external experts, will help develop customised haematology courses, for each university’s and national requirements and based on ECTS. The teaching packages, together with modes of assessment will be both in English and national languages and will be converted into e-learning formats for local teaching and distance learning purposes.
The training of lecturers for the new/adapted courses will be carried out in the EU universities. More specialised training in haematology, will be updated in the national haematology Institutes and at a regional platform for haematology set up in Georgia (CARPH). This will serve as a centre where haematologists from SC and other regions will meet to share teaching experiences, new practical techniques and discuss developing trends in haematology. Strong QA and QC measures and structured management will be put in place to ensure high quality implementation of the project.Website: https://sites.google.com/a/my.westminster.ac.uk/decerph/home

Promoting quality and recognition of transnational education in Armenia and Georgia (TNE_QA)

Project number 544326-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AM-TEMPUS-SMGR
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Structural Measures Governance Reform
Grant 913,937.17 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Dr. Araik Navoyan, French University in Armenia Foundation – Armenia
Phone: 00 374 10 24 96 48; Fax: 00 374 10 24 96 45; Email: vice_recteur@ufar.am; Website http://ufar.am
Local Partners American University of Armenia: Ms. Sharistan Melkonyan –   smelkonian@aua.am
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University: Mr. Vladimir Yeghiazaryan – pmi@rau.am
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation: –
Ms. Ani Mkrtchyan – a.mkrtchyan@anqa.am
Ministry of Education and Science: Mr. Sasounik Melikyan – sasoun.melikyan@gmail.com
Education Quality NGO: Mr. Hrayr Ohanyan – hrayrohanyan@gmail.com
EU Partners Universite Jean Moulin Lyon 3 – France
Aix-Marseille University – France
International Institution for Educational Planning – France
Universität Siegen – Germany
European Foundation for Management Development – Belgium
Bath Spa University – UK
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education – UK
 Partner Countries Armenia
American University of Armenia Foundation (AUA)
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (RAU)
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation (ANQA)
Ministry of Education and Science
Education Quality NGO
Caucasus University
Akaki Tsereteli State University
Batumi State Maritime Academy
International Institute for Education Policy, Planning and Management
Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
 Description TNE_QA (PROMOTING QUALITY AND RECOGNITION OF TRANSNATIONAL EDUCATION IN ARMENIA AND GEORGIA) is a three-year multi-country project, under the priority of Governance Reform, EACEA N° 35/2012, 6th call, National Priorities and Structural Measures action.
The wider objective is to enhance quality, and promote regulation and recognition of transnational education provisions in Armenia and Georgia through establishing internal Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and external (EQA) quality assurance mechanisms in line with OECD/UNESCO guidelines.
The specific objectives target at:
– Building on the capacity of the Armenian and Georgian HEIs and external quality assurance bodies to effectively manage quality assurance of TNE
– Developing and integrating quality assurance mechanisms at the institutions that provide transnational education
– Developing and integrating quality assurance standards and procedures for external quality assurance systems to effectively manage the quality assurance procedures at universities providing TNE
– Ensuring regulation, quality assurance and recognition of TNE provisions in Armenia and Georgia.
The principle outcomes and outputs include:
– Well-prepared staff at HEIs and EQA agency/Ministry to provide quality assurance of TNE
– Established/revised functions of IQA units at HEIs
– Nationwide standards, procedures, indicators and benchmarks for external quality assurance of TNE providers in Armenia and Georgia
– Institution-wide internal quality assurance Procedures Handbook for HEIs in Armenia and Georgia
– Legitimate and sustainable quality assurance system piloted and operationalized in Armenia and Georgia.
The HEIs are from the Eastern European Neighborhood – Armenia and Georgia. It will allow deeper understanding of the needs of developing systems and customization to specific country and institutions priorities. The EU partners- QAA UK, BSU, USI, UJM, IIEP (UNESCO), EFMD, AMU – bring in the richness of experience in TNE quality assurance.Website: www.tne-qa.com

Developing Medical Genetics Education through Curriculum Reforms and Establishment of Postgraduate Training Programs (MedGen)

Project number 544331-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AM-TEMPUS-JPCR
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Joint Projects Curricular Reform
Grant 742,877.32 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Dr. Davit Babikyan, Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi (YSMU) – Armenia
Phone: 0037410544367; Fax: 0037410544366; Email: babikyand@genetics.sci.am; Website: www.ysmu.am
Local Partners Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University: Ms. Suzanna Shamakhyan – international@rau.am
EU Partners Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna – Italy
European Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer – Belgium
Charles University in Prague – Czech Republic
Medical University of Graz – Austria
Université Paris Descartes – France
University of Plymouth – UK
 Partner Countries Armenia
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (RAU)
Tel Aviv University
Technion-Israel Institute of Technolog
 Description Armenia and Israel are countries with high prevalence of genetic disorders. However, health care systems in these countries have not responded appropriately to the rising needs of genetic services. Although in both countries medical profession and public health officials consider genetic conditions as a priority, there is a scarcity of workforce trained in clinical genetics, genetic counselling and laboratory genetics which are playing a critical role in facilitating genome-guided preventive and curative medicine into mainstream patient care.
The wider objective of MedGen is the development and implementation of solid basis with active workforce of MG corresponding to European Union (EU) recommendations of educational and professional standards in MG (CM/Rec(2010)11) and reinforcement of international cooperation capacity in Armenia and Israel. MedGen aims to:
– Develop and implement modules, MSc and/or Clinical Residency Programs in MG
– Build capacity for teaching MG
– Introduce EU standards in teaching MG
– Build international MG network
National consultations with presentation of the policy brief for MG will result in the development of student graduate profiles in MG. Detailed content of each module and program will be elaborated for specialization in MG with new teaching materials and blended learning content. The faculty training provided by the European partners will upgrade the teaching capacity of Armenian and Israeli teaching staff to deliver the MG courses corresponding to EU standards. Accreditation and delivery of new MG modules and programs, and university cooperation agreements will be the strongest indicators of the overall success and the sustainability of MedGen. The developing MG workforce will acquire necessary competencies to practice MG in multi-ethnic societies. The harmonized education in MG as an obligatory medical discipline will establish a hub for international programs and will contribute to the overall quality of health care in partner countries.Website: www.medgen.asnet.am

Developing tools for lifelong learning in Transcaucasus region: e-Learning (ARMAZEG)

Project number 544605-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-BE-TEMPUS-JPHES
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Joint Projects Higher Education and Society
Grant 1,219,930.44 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Prof. Wim Van Petegem, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – Belgium
Phone: +32 16 32 82 00; Fax: +32 16 32 82 70; Email: wim.vanpetegem@kuleuven.be; Website: www.kuleuven.be
Local Partners State Engineering University of Armenia: Ms. Arusyak Abrahamyan – airis-lea@yandex.com
Orbeli Institute of Physiology: Ms. Naira Ayvazyan – taipan@ysu.am
Armenian State Pedagogical University: Mr. Ara Yeremyan – vicerector-intercop@armspu.am
Institute of Informatics & Automation Problems: Ms. Edita Gzoyan – editagzoyan@gmail.com
Ministry of Education and Science: Mr. Vardan Sahakyan –
EU Partners Università degli Studi di Firenze – Italy
Universidad of Granada – Spain
European Distance and E-Learning Network – Hungary
 Partner Countries Armenia
State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA)
Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovian (ASPU)
Institute of Informatics & Automation Problems of NAS RA
Orbeli Institute of Physiology of NAS RA
Ministry of Education and Science
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Georgian Technical University
St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University
 Description The regional project ARMAZEG aims to implement higher educational reform in Armenian and Georgian universities with a view of societal impact, by enabling them to meet the challenges posed by globalization and changes in operating environment, through developing and implementing relevant lifelong learning programmes supported through e-learning. Main objectives of the project will be:
(1) to foster e-learning in university education as an integral part of the education process and as a way to improve quality of university education and a way to provide lifelong learning to society at large; and
(2) to amend university regulations to foster usage of e-learning.
This will be done in a number of chronological steps:
1. The development of strategic and operational (policy) framework and university documents for the implementation of lifelong learning supported through e-learning
2. The development of a business and implementation plan and the establishment of Centers for e-learning with trained staff in administrative/organizational, pedagogical and technological aspects of e-learning
3. The organisation of capacity building and training workshops in the field of e-learning and to prepare staff and society for lifelong learning
4. The development of a quality assurance plan and set-up of pilot projects on the implementation of e-learning.
These four different steps will be closely monitored and evaluated, not only by the project consortium, but also by an external evaluator. In addition, throughout the entire project lifetime, these activities will be accompanied by dissemination activities within the academic community and student bodies dedicated to the promotion of e-learning and technology-enhanced learning as a powerful mechanism for improvement of university education and lifelong learning more in general.Website: www.armazeg.com

Promoting Internationalization of HEIs in Eastern Neighborhood Countries through Cultural and Structural Adaptations (PICASA)

Project number 544125-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AM-TEMPUS-SMGR
Duration 36 months (2013 – 2016)
Type Structural Measures Governance Reform
Grant 1,065,867.68 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Prof. Alexander Markarov, Yerevan State University – Armenia
Phone: +(374)10550612; Fax: +(374)10554641; Email: amarkarov@ysu.am; Website: www.ysu.am
Local Partners Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts: Mr. Mkrtich Ayvazyan – m.ayvazyan@yafa.am
Gavar State University: Ms. Marine Badalyan – mbadalyan@rambler.ru
State Engineering University of Armenia: Mr. Ruben Aghgashyan – rubag@seua.am
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance: Mr. Ruben Topchyan – ruben.topchyan@anqa.am
Ministry of Education and Science: Mr. Robert Sukiasyan – r_sukiasyan@edu.am
EU Partners Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven (Leuven University College) – Belgium
World University Service (WUS) Austria – Austria
Roehampton University – UK
University of Genoa – Italy
Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo – Italy
 Partner Countries Armenia
Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts (YSAFA)
Gavar State University
State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA)
National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance (ANQA)
Ministry of Education and Science
Ilia State University
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Shota Meskhia State Teaching University of Zugdidi
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
Ministry of Еducation of Georgia
Belorussia State University
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronic
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus
Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University
Odessa National Polytechnic University
National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
 Description Picasa (Promoting Internationalization of Heis In Eastern Neighbourhood Countries through Cultural and Structural Adaptations) is a three-year multi-country project, under the Regional Priority for Governance Reform, EACEA N° 35/2012, 6th call, Structural Measures action.
The wider objective is to promote recognition of Eastern Neighboring Area HE systems – Armenian, Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine – through development and integration of internationalization dimensions into structural and cultural components of HEIs management.
The specific objectives target
– Integration of international dimension into the teaching, learning and research functions of HEIs through developing and implementing respective policies and procedures;
– Development of internationalization elements for operationalization of curricula, scholar and student exchange and technical cooperation of the HEIs;
– Identification and development of new skills, attitudes and knowledge in students, faculty and staff;
– Promotion of ethos and culture that values and supports intercultural and international perspectives, initiatives and their quality assurance (MINT approach).
The principle outcomes and outputs include:
– Trained staff and revised functions of IROs that become building blocks of the ethos and culture supporting international perspectives
– HEI-wide policies and procedures for internalization
– Software for the database necessary for internationalization
– Academic programmes with internationalization dimensions
– Approaches to research internationalization: scholarly collaboration, study abroad, student and staff mobility
– New approaches to curricula internationalization
– Quality assurance of internationalization (the MINT approach).
The choice of PCs will allow deeper understanding of the needs of developing systems and customization to specific country and HEIs priorities. The EU partners – CESIE, WUS, KHL, RU, USGIT – bring in their wealth of experience in internationalization.Website: www.picasa.ysu.am