
“Your Path to Erasmus+: Mastering Motivation Letters” webinar was held successfully

On October 11, the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia in collaboration with “Erasmus Student Network Armenia” implemented “Your Path to Erasmus+: Mastering Motivation Letters” webinar, which was held within the framework of “Erasmus Days 2023”. Around 70 individuals interested in Erasmus+ programs participated in the webinar.

The purpose of the webinar was to inform about the exciting study opportunities and the process of applying for them, as well as to guide the applicants in the process of writing successful motivation letters.

The webinar launched with a welcome speech by Lana Karlova, coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia, who presented the participants an overview of “International Credit Mobility” and “Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree” programs.

Next, Raisa Avetyan, chief international officer of the Armenian State Pedagogical University introduced the participants the application process and selection criteria for the “International Credit Mobility” programs at their university, provided details on what steps are important to do to apply for the programs and what selection committees are looking for.

She was followed by the presentation of Eduardo García Cancela, a Ph.D. student at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), who is currently an ICM student at the Yerevan State University. He guided the participants through practical and interactive examples on how to write effective motivation letters when applying for such programs, what structure and components a well-written motivation letter should have, what mistakes are often encountered, as well as an example of his successful experience.

The meeting was concluded by Inesa Mardoyan from the Armenian State University of Economics, who presented the participants her successful Erasmus+ story “written” at the University of Osijek, Croatia, and motivated them to apply for the Erasmus+ program and create their own success story.

Throughout the meeting, the participants actively raised a number of questions and a discussion took place.
The presentations of the speakers are available below.

Posted in: News & Events 2023