Nowadays, a large number of Armenian students is attached to social networks. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, social networks have become primary sources for getting information, staying connected with friends and family, and consuming entertainment. To reach out to them, NEO-Armenia Programme Officers ran Erasmus+ Scholarship Outreach Live Sessions on Facebook in collaboration with the […]
We’re excited to announce the winners of #MyErasmusPlusStory Competition! “Best Story with photos” nomination: 🥇 Syuzanna Mosikyan, Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility, Germany 🥈 Erik Yeghinyan, European Solidarity Corps, Lithuania 🥉 Mery Petrosyan, Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility, Poland[/vc_row][/vc_row][/vc_row][/vc_row][/vc_row]
The COVID-19 outbreak has and is negatively affecting ongoing or planned activities under the Erasmus+ Programme. The European Commission has prepared a compilation of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help Erasmus+ Programme beneficiaries deal with the consequences for them. We bring to your attention those questions and answers that were most often raised by and, […]
To the attention of those Armenian higher education institutions, who have ongoing individual Erasmus+ student mobilities in Italy. In the context of the measures taken by the Italian Government to restrain the spread of the Coronavirus infection in Italy, please be informed that the following measures shall be considered fully applicable to the actual mobilities […]
Erasmus+ CBHE “ARMDOCT” Project (Reforming Doctoral Education in Armenia in Line with Needs of Academia, Industry and Current EU Practices) was launched on 4-5 February 2020. Under the coordination of Arevik Ohanyan, the Director of Eurasia International University’s Research Incubator, the representatives of 15 universities, including 4 EU and 8 Armenian HEIs, 2 research institutes, […]
On December 23 a Cluster meeting of with the representatives of 4 Erasmus+ capacity building projects, FAST Foundation for Science and Technology ( and Horizon2020 National Contact Point ( in Armenia was initiated by NEO as a joint initiative and platform for facilitating cooperation between the Universities that work towards modernization of their institutional research […]