
Category: News & Events

Presentation of the “Need Assessment for Capacity Building of Armenian HEIs” study results took place
On May 30, results of the “Need Assessment for Capacity Building of Armenian HEIs” research study were presented at ISTC center of Yerevan State University. The meeting was organized by the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia, YSU Lifelong learning center and Higher Education Reform Experts.  The meeting started with the welcoming words of Mikayel Hovhannisyan, [...]
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Workshop on “Management and Organizational Infrastructures of Universities as a Basis of Quality Education”
On June 6-7, the Armenian National Agrarian University will host the “Management and Organizational Infrastructures of Universities as a Basis of Quality Education” workshop for education policymakers, university leaders and administrators.  The seminar is organised by the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia in cooperation with Garegin Hambardzumyan, Higher Education Reform Expert (HERE), Head of International Relations Department [...]
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Participation in SunChild International Environmental Festival
On May 24, the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia participated in Sunchild International Environmental Festival. At the "Youth Corner" of the festival, NEO Armenia representatives introduced the opportunities of the Erasmus+ programme to the youth, professors, civil society representatives, environmental enthusiasts, etc. The main focus was on "Capacity Building in Higher Education", "Capacity Building in [...]
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Participation in “Universities’ third mission: Partnering for social and economic development” HERE seminar
On May 13-14, the coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia, Lana Karlova, and the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Armenian State Pedagogical University, Associate professor, Erasmus+ higher education reform expert, Tigran Miqayelyan, participated in the “Universities’ third mission: Partnering for social and economic development” international seminar held in Samarkand, [...]
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Presentation of the “Need Assessment for Capacity Building of Armenian HEIs” study results
NEO Armenia and YSU Lifelong learning center have jointly organised a meeting on May 30, at 15:00 at Yerevan State University, where the Erasmus+ Higher Education Reform Experts will present the results of the “Need Assessment for Capacity Building of Armenian HEIs" study to the academic community. In the framework of the research, a survey [...]
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Participation in “Europe Day” celebrations
On May 17, representatives of the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia participated in the information exhibition of EU-funded projects during "Europe Day" celebrations at the "COAF SMART" center. During the exhibition, NEO staff members presented the possibilities of the Erasmus+ program to interested persons and answered their questions. Special attention was paid to the "Capacity [...]
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NEO Armenia in “BanUGorts. YSU Expo-2024”
On May 16, the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia participated in "BanUGorts. YSU Expo-2024" organised by the Yerevan State University. During the expo, the employees and volunteers of the Office presented the opportunities of the Erasmus+ program to the interested parties and answered their questions. The main focus was on the "International Credit Mobility" and [...]
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Two-day regional seminar on “Developing and Implementing Joint Master’s Degree Programmes: Current Challenges and Prospectives” took place
On April 25-26 HERE regional seminar titled “Developing and Implementing Joint Master’s Degree Programmes: Current Challenges and Prospectives” was held at Yerevan State University. The seminar was organised by the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia in cooperation with Kristine Gevorgyan, Higher Education Reform Expert (HERE), YSU Center for European Studies, Coordinator of master’s programs, and [...]
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Information session on Erasmus+ actions in Tavush region
On April 16, representatives of the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia and Erasmus+ Youth & European Solidarity Corps Information Center in Armenia held an information session on the opportunities provided by the Erasmus+ program at the Innovation Knowledge Hub Tavush near YSU Ijevan branch. The info session hosted 37 young people from Tavush region. Arpine [...]
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Regional TAM seminar “Developing and Implementing Joint Master’s Degree Programmes: Current Challenges and Prospectives”
On April 25-26 “Developing and Implementing Joint Master’s Degree Programmes: Current Challenges and Prospectives” HERE regional seminar will be held at Yerevan State University. The seminar is organised by the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia in cooperation with Kristine Gevorgyan, Higher Education Reform Expert (HERE), YSU Center for European Studies, Coordinator of master's programs, and [...]
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