
Presentation of the “Need Assessment for Capacity Building of Armenian HEIs” study results

NEO Armenia and YSU Lifelong learning center have jointly organised a meeting on May 30, at 15:00 at Yerevan State University, where the Erasmus+ Higher Education Reform Experts will present the results of the “Need Assessment for Capacity Building of Armenian HEIs” study to the academic community.

In the framework of the research, a survey was conducted, in which 18 state universities and 1 private university that passed institutional accreditation participated. The purpose of the survey was to collect and present summary information on the needs and challenges in RA universities, in 6 main areas presented below:

  1. crafting a universally inclusive, learner-centered educational environment
  2. enhancing the efficiency of education management
  3. teaching and learning
  4. digitalisation 
  5. internationalisation of educational services and products 
  6. internationalisation of research․

Conducted by the Erasmus+ Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs), with the support of the RA MoESCS and ANQA, this study promises to be useful in the implementation of reforms both at national and institutional levels.

Join the meeting by registering through the following link by May 28 included. The agenda is available below.

Posted in: News & Events 2024