
Call 2021 & the Future International Dimension of Erasmus+ 2021-2027 Programme

National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia is glad to introduce general updates regarding Erasmus+ Call for Applications 2021. Here you will also find the strategic priorities and novelties on the International Dimension of Erasmus+ Programme in 2021-2027. The information below aims to guide the Armenian stakeholders and beneficiaries of the new Erasmus+ Programme framework in understanding the future direction of the EU’s next framework Programme for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport. 

IMPORTANT! Call for Applications 2021

In 2021 there will be NO CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for KA1 International Credit Mobility and KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education. The Call 2021 will be launched only for Jean Monnet Actions, KA1 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (for institutions only). Follow our website for the updates concerning the Call 2021 dates and deadlines. 

The Overarching Priorities  of Erasmus+ Programme in 2021-2027

The overarching priorities  of the Programme framework 2021-2027 focus on the green deals, digital transformation, sustainable growth and jobs as well as external dimension of internal education policies. Inclusion is in the heart of future Erasmus+, hence the number of participants with fewer opportunities and special needs is expected to increase. 

The Future of International Credit Mobility

With regards to ICM (KA107)  as part of Erasmus+ 2021-2027  the Commission  plans  simplification of the application process with more flexible budget management. Although the grant rates will remain the same as in current framework 2014-2020, a new unit cost will be introduced to cover visa and insurance costs. Beneficiaries should also expect an increase in Organizational Support (OS) funds to acknowledge partnership dimension. Inclusiveness of participants with special needs  and fewer opportunities will be strengthened as one of the key pillars of ICM with Partner Countries. Finally, the new ICM is planned to provide an opportunity for shorter learner mobilities (5-30 days) (details to be provided by the Commission in due course). 

The Future of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programmes (EMJMD)

In the next Programme, EMJMD will be moved to KA2, which is a symbolic move to signal enhanced focus on the partnership, design and implementation of the joint programme rather than mobility.

ATTENTION! An enhanced international outreach will be introduced, thanks to which higher education institutions from Partner countries will be allowed to be APPLICANTS on behalf of the consortia thus being on equal footing with Programme country HEIs. 

The Novelties of Capacity Building Actions!

Capacity Building in Higher Education

Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE supports modernization and development of HEIs and educational systems in Partner Countries. The 2021-2027 Programme will continue sustaining the important role of the CBHE Action in reaching long-term structural effect on these countries. The new framework foresees to introduce  two-size joint projects, one smaller targeting in particular new comers & one larger for more experienced consortia. There will be more emphasis on structural projects to boost direct participation of ministries in Partner Countries. All CBHE projects aim to promote and pursue inclusiveness thus strengthening the relationship between HE & wider socio-economic environment. Apart from these novelties, the Action will be focused on: 

  • Better alignment of priorities to national/regional needs,
  • Contribution to overarching priorities of the European Commission (e.g. green deals, digital, alliances for sustainable growth and jobs, migration partnerships, governance, peace and security, as well as to the external dimension of EU internal policies in the field of education).

Capacity Building in Vocational Education and Training (VET)

For the first time, the CB VET Action will open up for Partner Countries (not to confuse with VET mobility). The aim is to support modernization, accessibility, relevance  and internationalization of VET institutions  and systems in Partner Countries by bringing the labour market & VET closer. New thematic areas would be set. 

Capacity Building in Sport

As Part of Erasmus+ 2021-2027, the Commission will also open CB Sport Action for Partner Countries, aiming to support sport activities and policies in Partner Countries as an educational tool to promote personal and social development of individuals & build more cohesive communities. Other key objectives are promotion of inclusion through sport and raising the capacity of grass-root sport organisations

Please mind that all technical and administrative details and guidelines on the actualization of Erasmus+ 2021-2027 are yet to come

Posted in: News & Events, News & Events 2020