
Category: News & Events 2024

Meeting with the Higher Education and Science Committee
On January 20, a meeting dedicated to the discussion of the Erasmus+ Programme took place at the Higher Education and Science Committee of Armenia. During the meeting, the representatives of the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia presented to the Higher Education and Science Committee the progress of the Programme implementation in Armenia, statistics, in particularly [...]
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Meeting at French College in Armenia took place

On January 18, a meeting with the representatives of the French and European Colleges in Armenia was held. During the meeting, Lana Karlova, Coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia, presented the features of the Erasmus+ “Capacity building in the VET” Key Action, application procedures, as well as the criteria for selecting successful projects. Afterwards, […]

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Meeting among VETs and Sustainability InnoCenter took place

In frames of Erasmus+ “Capacity building in Vocational Education and Training” Key Action, on January 15, the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia initiated an online meeting among VET institutions from Armenia and Sustainability InnoCenter, an organization based in Uppsala, Sweden.  During the meeting, the representatives of the two countries got acquainted with each other’s scope […]

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