Dear Erasmus+ beneficiaries, We would like to inform you that as of January 1, 2025, the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia has suspended its activities due to the decision of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia. However, the Erasmus+ Programme continues its activities in Armenia. For consultations on [...]
On December 23, 2024, the seminar "Towards ‘Green’ Education: Development of Competencies on ‘Green’ Universities in Armenia" was held online. The event was attended by over 70 representatives from Armenian, Moldovan, and Ukrainian universities, contributing to the deepening of knowledge and skills related to initiatives on "green" education and sustainability, as well as highlighting the [...]
On December 19, an online event was held dedicated to presenting the results and applications of Erasmus+ projects in higher education. The event aimed to showcase the achievements, impacts, and practical applications of projects implemented under the Erasmus+ “Capacity Building in Higher Education” (CBHE) and Jean Monnet actions, while ensuring the effective dissemination of related [...]
Join us on December 23, 2024, 14:00 (Yerevan Time) for an online workshop titled "Towards ‘Green’ Education: Development of Competencies on ‘Green’ Universities in Armenia." Held on Zoom and conducted in English, the event will feature Dr. Alfonso Marzal Reynolds (biography) from the Zoology Department at the University of Extremadura, Spain. Dr. Marzal Reynolds is [...]
On December 12, an Erasmus+ 2024 informational meeting was held at the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia as part of the Erasmus+ Information Days. The session aimed to introduce representatives of higher education institutions, NGOs, and other organizations to the opportunities offered by the program and to support Armenian partners involved in [...]
On December 19, at 13:30, an online event will be held to present the results and applications of Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) projects. The event aims to showcase the outcomes, achievements, and directions for further development of projects funded under the Erasmus+ "Capacity Building in Higher Education"(CBHE) action, as well as to [...]
On December 12, at 14:00, an information meeting on the Erasmus+ program will be held at the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia within the framework of the Erasmus+ 2025 Call for Proposals. The goal of the meeting is to provide information to institutions applying for the Erasmus+ program and to provide support [...]
On December 4, an online informational meeting was successfully held on the Erasmus+ program’s Capacity Building in VET action. During the meeting, participants received important information about funding opportunities offered by the program, application conditions, and project ideas. More than 80 representatives from VET institutions, HEIs, NGOs and other organizations participated in the meeting. The [...]
On December 4, at 14:00, an online information session on the Erasmus+ "Capacity building in VET" action will be held in the frames of the "Erasmus+ Information Days 2024". The focus is on engaging VET representatives, along with NGOs and related organizations associated with the VET sector, who can collaborate with VETs as part of [...]