
Information Session at Ararat State College

The National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia (NEO AM) organised an information session at Ararat State College on July 26 at the invitation of the director of the college, Ella Gasparyan. The aim of the meeting was to introduce the participants the funding opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ Programme for the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector, along with their specific requirements.

Lana Karlova, the coordinator of NEO AM, provided the meeting attendees with detailed information about the Erasmus+ “Capacity building in VET“ action. She discussed the participation conditions, consortium structure, thematic areas for project proposals, budget allocation, and other relevant aspects.

The NEO AM representatives discussed project ideas with the academic and administrative staff of Ararat State College and guided them in the project design process.

NEO AM regularly organises information meetings to promote and disseminate the program’s opportunities to a broader range of beneficiaries.

Posted in: News & Events, News & Events 2024