
Erasmus+ CBHE “HERITAG” Project Start-up Meeting

The Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ CBHE “HERITAG” Project (Higher Education interdisciplinary Reform In Tourism management and Applied Geoinformation curricula) was held on 02-03 February, 2016 at National University of Architecture and Construction.

The aim of the meeting was to introduce the major goals and activities to all the partners of the consortium as well as to address the overall management issues, financial and technical aspects. The project aims to develop an interdisciplinary reform in higher education programmes at master level and continuing education integrating Geo-information Technologies (GIT) applied to cultural heritage documentation, tourism management and entrepreneurship. The meeting convened with the introduction of all participating institutions, then HERITAG Project Coordinator Prof. Luis A. Ruiz, from Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, provided the overview of the project, presented the Work Packages and upcoming activities. The event concluded with discussions on several issues, such as elaboration of Project Guidelines, establishment of National Advisory Boards with social stakeholders in Armenia and Georgia and needs analysis in cultural tourism industry.

Key outcomes of HERITAG project include:

  • development of interdisciplinary master specialties in GIT for cultural heritage and tourism;
  • integrating marketing and entrepreneurship skills oriented to consolidate local industry, establishment of Geoinformation and Tourism Technology centres (GTTC) in partner countries; creation/improvement of GIS laboratories;
  • development of interdisciplinary training modules;
  • capacity building of academic staff in GIT, tourism management and entrepreneurship; establishment of organized links between universities, administration and society. 

More information on HERITAG project can be found in Current list of Capacity Building Higher Education Projects (CBHE) with Armenian participation

Posted in: News & Events