
Erasmus+ 2024 CBVET and JMA selection results are announced!

The selection results of the Erasmus+ “Jean Monnet Actions” and “Capacity Building in VET actions are announced! 

Capacity Building in VET

The European Commission recommended 72 out of 280 eligible CBVET applications for funding (success rate – 26%). 78 third countries not associated to the Program (including Armenia) are included in these 72 projects.

The distribution of projects by regions is as follows:

  • Western Balkans: 22 projects,
  • Neighbourhood East: 9 projects,
  • South-Mediterranean countries: 11 projects,
  • Sub-Saharan Africa: 23 projects,
  • Latin America: 6 projects,
  • Caribbean: 1 project.

Erasmus+ program approved funding for 4 CBVET projects with Armenian participation:

  1. Enhanced Learning Experiences for VET (ELE_VET),
  2. Implementing Mock Accreditation for supporting quality assurance in Armenian VET institutions (QA4VET),
  3. Strengthening work force potential in the renewable-energy sector (REnForce),
  4. Women Engagement Boost in Technology (W.E.B. in Tech).

The coordinator of the ELE_VET project is the European Grants International Academy from Italy. From Armenia, the French-Armenian Vocational Education Center and the “Youth Opportunities Club” NGO are involved. Other project partners are from Portugal and Azerbaijan. 

The coordinator of the QA4VET project is the “ARACIP” institution from Romania. From Armenia, Yerevan Regional State College N2 after N. Achemyan, “Armenian Center for Education Policy and Management” NGO, Medical-Humanities College of Vardenis and the National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation. A partner institution from Germany is also involved in the project.

The coordinator of the REnForce project is RISEBA University of Applied Sciences from Latvia. “Arpi Solar” company, Tavush Regional College named after Patrick Devedjian Foundation, Gyumri Craftsman School No 4, Republican Union of Employers of Armenia, Armenian State University of Economics, National Polytechnic University of Armenia are involved from Armenia. In addition to the Armenian and Latvian institutions, partners from Ukraine, Belgium and the Czech Republic are also involved in the project.

The coordinator of the W.E.B. in Tech project is “EURO MAMME ASD” institution from Italy. From Armenia, the Youth for Development Foundation is involved in the project, as well as partners from Ukraine, Malta, Georgia and Italy.

Additional details on the projects will be published in the relevant webpage of our website.

Jean Monnet Actions

In the frames of Erasmus+ “Jean Monnet Actions“, the European Commission received 1055 Jean Monnet Module applications, 178 out of which were approved for funding (16.9% success rate).

The GreenPoLe (The European Green Deal in the EU and Beyond: Greening Armenian Policy and Legislation in Line with European Standards for a Sustainable and Resilient Society) Jean Monnet module is the only project from Armenia to receive funding from the EU Commission. This project, coordinated by Eurasia International University, spans 3 years with an allocated budget of 35,000 euros.

More details of the projects will be published on our website soon. 

We congratulate all our colleagues and wish them fruitful work in the future.

Posted in: News & Events 2024