
An innovative model of SMART Farm adjacent to VET institution for students work-based learning towards better employability of graduates (CB4WBL)

Project number 101129071
Duration 36 months
Grant 319,616.00 €
Applicant (Coordinator) Imanovation Lda, Portugal


  1. Stepanavan State Agricultural College Named After Professor A. Kalantar” State Non-Profit Organization
  2. Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport in Armenia
  3. National Center for Education Development and Innovation” Foundation
  4. Armenian Center for Education Policy and Management ” NGO
EU partners


Etablissement Public Local d’Enseignement et de Formation Professionnelle Agricole de Bourg en Bresse, France
Other Partner
Project Summary


CB4WBL project aims at strengthening the capacity of Armenian VET providers for delivering WBL through the development and implementation of an innovative model of SMART Farm adjacent to VET institution allowing students to learn at workplace and development of relevant skills for better employability, as well as the skills supporting green trasnition. The project objectives are:

1. Capacity building of staff from concerned Armenian institutions on WBL oriented pedagogical approaches, teaching and learning methods.
2. Development of the model of SMART Farm adjacent to VET institution aimed at milk and dairy products production & sale allowing students involvement in work-based learning.
3. Revision of State Education Standards and Modular Programmes of the “Veterinary”, “Milk and Dairy Technology ” and “Management” specialties for delivery through a WBL scheme at SMART Farm
4. Creation of necessary legal and milk transformation conditions within the SMART Farm adjacent to VET institution
5. Piloting revised programmes of the “Milk and Dairy Technology ” and “Management” specialties through WBL scheme at the SMART Farm adjacent to VET institution.

The following project outcomes are expected to be sustainable after the end of the Erasmus+ programme funding:
1. Training Kit on European experience of WBL oriented pedagogical approaches, teaching and learning methods with a focus on apprenticeship in a farm adjacent to VET center
2. Reinforced capacity of staff from involved Armenian institutions on WBL organization, delivery, and assessment
3. Model of SMART Farm adjacent to VET institution for milk and dairy products production & sale (SMART Farm model) ensuring student involvement on WBL.
4. Revised State Education Standards and Modular Programmes of the “Veterinary”, “Milk and Dairy Technology ” and “Management” areas for delivery through WBL in the framework of SMART Farm adjacent to SSAC
5. State registered SMART Farm adjacent to VET institution furnished with equipment necessary for dairy products production.
